A major focus for MoorArts, is awarding a limited number of college and post high school education scholarships to students graduating from the Moorestown Township Public School District. These scholarships will be based upon the applicant's achievements in the fine and performing arts and their plans to include arts in their future education, or plans to continue participation in the arts. Academic achievement, work experience, meritorious accomplishments, recommendations from instructor, director and/or school principal, evidence as to the individual's motivation, character, ability, and potential as well as their past support of MoorArts will be considered.Scholarships are awarded on at the MHS Senior Recognition night.

Scholarships Offered
Scholarships are awarded in the artistic discipline categories: arts production, dance, instrumental, theater, visual arts, vocal performance, and photography. Awards may range up to $500 per recipient.
The Tolman Scholarship, an award of $750, is awarded to the senior who has not only demonstrated excellence in the fine and performing arts but who has also assisted and encouraged others in their artistic pursuits.
The Cross Cultural Scholarship, an award of $750, is awarded to a senior who has excelled in more than one artistic area.
MoorArts also facilitates the awards of two memorial scholarships. The Taline King Memorial Photography Scholarship and the Nicole de la Parra Reyher Designer Scholarship are made possible thanks to the generosity of the friends and families of these former MHS students. MoorArts accepts the applications for these scholarships, provides the information directly to the family foundations for award selection, and assists in notifying the scholarship recipients. More about these scholarships is provided on the application.
All scholarship materials, including the application, teacher recommendation and any additional supporting material must be delivered on or before the date specified in the application (typically mid-April). All applications and recommendations are submitted online. Digital portfolios may be uploaded at http://bit.ly/PortfolioUpload for review.
Students may apply for multiple scholarship categories with one application. Please note certain award categories require an essay.
One MTPS teacher recommendation must be submitted online to support each scholarship application. Students should email the teacher of their choice a link to the above recommendation. Teachers may use the link above to complete the recommendation for any student.